How I changed my perception after being involved with mobile interface design

2 min readFeb 11, 2021

MINIMALISM. It represents me. When I started developing mobile apps in 2013, a significant change in software interfaces was happening. Systems, previously formed by large tables, were not fusing well with smartphones’ new screen portrait format.

A new paradigm was taking shape. Reducing the interface number of components was now mandatory for an outstanding mobile experience.

I bridged the gap between the customer requirement and the interface creation method. Following what the UX mobile-first movement preached, we first needed to think about the mobile interface, with little components as possible, to fit in a small iPhone 5 screen.

All of this reduces the user’s cognitive load and improves the mobile app experience. The learnings of this immersion in UX changed my thinking, and I decided to apply it to organize my life.

I started by limiting the wardrobe options and donating the unnecessary. I wear pretty much the same look every day, and dark is the dominant color. You would rarely see me wearing colorful branded eccentric pieces. But maybe it can happen when I’m high at some festival.

I began reusing more, removing waste, and looking for more conventional lines. And enjoying the stamina, I limited my availability; I tidied my desk, drawers, the trunk of the car, relationships, and even the fridge.

With few ties and greater flexibility, I had more space for the new details. So I started to include in my life only experiences that represented my principles and values. I thought to myself, is this a hell yeah or a no? If it’s not a hell yeah, I will pass, but thanks.

This made room for my desire to have new different moments, for exploring the unknown. And for that, nothing better than traveling. I traveled for years with few worries and just a suitcase. When I needed to move on, everything I needed was there, and the luggage would close effortlessly.

So if I can suggest, maintain your space clean, make room for new things, limit availability, and keep organized. I believe that minimalism and this cleansing helped me a lot. It paved the way for me in so many new opportunities, and I think it can be useful to you as well. LESS IS MORE. Think about it.

